Acupuncture for Constipation

Constipation causes infrequent or strained bowel movements.  This condition can be caused by dietary imbalances such as inadequate water or fiber and eating too much dairy, physical deficiencies such as a lack of exercise or activity, or emotional conflict such as stress or depression.

Fiber supplements and laxatives are often prescribed to remedy constipation.  However, these medications  can lead to damage (dependency, impaired kidney function, high blood pressure) or cause bloating, cramping and other discomfort.  If possible, constipation is best treated through homeopathic means such as through lifestyle changes or even through acupuncture.

By targeting meridian lines for the large intestine, acupuncture can stimulate the muscles of the intestinal walls and relieve pain in the abdomen.  Other organ systems such as the stomach and liver also have acupuncture points that can be used to treat constipation.  For example, treating the liver can help reduce stress which can lead to constipation.  Other points throughout the body can help relieve indigestion, gas and colitis.

Acupuncture is a fantastic treatment for constipation and will gently ease your body and digestive system back into balance.

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