Acupuncture for Hip Bursitis

Hip bursitis is characterized by a swelling or pain of the bursa, which serves as a cushion between the tendons and bones found in the hip.  Prolonged pressure, overuse and exertion or direct injury to the hip can cause the bursa to become inflamed, leading to these symptoms.

Anti-inflammatory medication and steroids are often used to remedy the pain and inflammation caused by this condition. Acupuncture can also be used to alleviate hip bursitis on a similar but more holistic level. Acupuncture can activate production of natural pain killers and deactivate pain receptors within the brain. For further relief, acupuncture stimulates circulation within the hip to help decrease inflammation and discomfort. Finally, acupuncture relieves muscle tension and pressure, preventing hip bursitis from progressing.

Acupuncture generally provides relief from hip bursitis within 4-6 sessions.

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