Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis, one of the most common complaints known to podiatrists, is caused by repetitive stress or micro traumas to the connective tissue within the foot.  Under and over exercising, being overweight, wearing ill fitting shoes and age can all spur the development of this condition.  Plantar fasciitis results in heel pain of various degrees, from mild to debilitating discomfort.  Millions are affected by this condition each year.

Plantar fasciitis treatment often focuses on a lengthy, daily regime of physical therapy and pain management.  Fortunately, there is an alternative in acupuncture.  Acupuncture can be used to treat plantar fasciitis by first pushing the body to release natural pain killers.  Secondly, acupuncture helps to reduce inflammation of the plantar fascia, preventing plantar fasciitis symptoms from taking foot.  Studies have found acupuncture to be highly effective in treating this condition and patients have reported both reductions in pain and frequency thereof.

Plantar fasciitis is a serious condition and should be treated as such.  Mild heel discomfort can develop into excruciating pain and greatly impact one’s daily life and routine.  Plantar fasciitis can even result in the development of more serious conditions such as calcaneus.  Those affected by plantar fasciitis or experiencing heel discomfort should consider acupuncture for treatment.

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